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The Internet Income Opportunity In Your Web Traffic

Don't wait to get your traffic and stop beating your head against the wall trying to get visitors through organic search. Web page optimization is great but it's a roller coaster of a ride if that's all you rely on to get traffic to your site. If you have a few bucks, then save your brain for the product and spend some cash to get your traffic. The real income on the internet is through targeted pay per click campaigns.

A lot of websites are confusing. You're a small business owner or you wouldn't be here. This means that you probably have a small company website. You probably only have a couple of products. As a small company, you need to be focused on what you do well and how you can sell that.

The first thing you want to know is why your traffic has come to you. It has nothing to do with your capabilities and how good you are but what your customer needs to have done for them. Tell the customer what problem you can solve and then tell them why. Have the customer start reading your copy until you can solve their problem.

Every action that a visitor takes once at your site must direct them to the action you desire. This action is to do business with you. Send them to the one location that will give them what you want.

Step one is to generate leads and step two is to do it as cheap as possible. You can generate leads by offering something of value for free. You get a name, they get valuable information. What do you do with this name? You educate the subscriber as to why they need your product if in fact they do.

How do you get the name cheaply? By only targeting people through pay per click campaigns that want what you have to offer. You must also make sure that you sell your newsletter with on a squeeze page. Google adwords is a great place to speed up the process of getting traffic and making sure that everything is working right. Google adwords is like fast forwarding anything you do on the internet.

The great thing about google adwords is that everything you learn can be applied to real world advertising if you so desire. For very cheap, you can find what headlines and sales text work in getting and converting customers that want your product. After you learn what works, you can confidently place ads in magazines or newspapers and know that they convert.

Another take home lesson you will learn from marketing online is how to automate your business. All those names and emails you collect will be automatically be marketed to by an auto responder, with no extra work from you. This is where you will make most of your money online, from your list. Email can be one of the best ways of initiating and maintaining relationships in a cost effective and time efficient way.

Once you get that name, the only way your traffic will ever spend any money with you is if they trust you and you have something that they need. In short, you want to do good business like in the real world. Remember that when you treat your traffic fairly and simply with great service and outstanding products, you have found the real internet income opportunity. The flash and bang of hard selling doesn't work. People hate being swindled and they can smell a hack a mile away. Treat your web traffic well and they will be your customers for life.